CEO Pavel Parfentiev took part in the III All-Ukrainian Parents’ Forum (Kiev, Ukraine)

thumb (2)On March 29-30th 2013 the III All-Ukrainian Parents’ Forum was held in Kiev, attended by more than a thousand delegates from various regions of Ukraine. The Forum discussed a wide range of issues related to the protection and strengthening of the family, motherhood and fatherhood, the traditional family and moral values, as well as the education and upbringing of children.

The support for the Forum was expressed by the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science, as well as by the Blessed Metropolitan Vladimir of All Ukraine (Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Moscow Patriarchate) who send his greeting and blessing to the participants through his representative. The Representative of the President of Ukraine in the The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Mr. Yuri Miroshnychenko and the representative of Mr. Mykola Zhuk, the  Chairman of the subcommittee on youth policy, family and childhood of the Committee on Family Matters, Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism also took part in the Forum.

Pavel Parfentiev, CEO and the World Congress of Families Ambassador to the European Institutions took part in the work of the Forum, speaking on “The Protection of the Family on International Level: the Return to the Genuine Foundations of the International Law”. Mr. Parfentiev is also the WCF Advisor on the Internationational Human Rights Law. During the secon day of the Forum’s work Mr. Parfentiev also presented the information about the right to home education (homescholling) both in International and Ukrainian Law.

The Resolution of the Forum says: “The family based on the marital union of a man and a woman and aimed at the birth and upbringing of children is the natural foundation of every human society and every civilization in history. The value of marriage, family, motherhood and fatherhood is universal and immutable. Harmoniously linking the spouses and different generations, the family is a community of true love, without which the upbringing and moral formation of children, the handing down of the most important values and the meaning of human life, the preservation and development of any state are impossible. It is vitally important for today’s Ukraine to the preserve and revive the family, its spiritual and moral foundations, the traditional culture of family life and upbringing of children.

The participants of the Forum are convinced that the strengthening of and support for the family, marriage, motherhood and fatherhood, the fundamental rights of parents, the family lifestyle – should be among the main objectives and priorities of the state policy in Ukraine. Concern for the protection, revival and preservation of family and moral values traditional for the people of Ukraine should unite all healthy social forces of our country”.

It’s also noted in the Resolution: “The participants of the Forum express their concern with the rise throughout the world and in Ukraine of tendencies and phenomena harmful to the family, leading to its destruction and, as a consequence, to the destruction of society. The undermining of the traditional family and moral values, the proliferation and public promotion of divorce and abortion, immoral behavior, promiscuity, prostitution, homosexuality, alcoholism, drug abuse, pedophilia; public endorsement in the media of violence, the anti-family lifestyle, a lack of respect to the family, marriage and parents; the impairing of the natural rights of the parents and the wide application of juvenile technologies, leading under the pretext of protecting the childhood to a breach of the inviolability of family life and relations between parents and children – all of these phenomena are dangerous for the family and the society, are undermining their foundations and threatening their very existence. Ukraine should reject them as a social pathology, for the sake of its own future and the future of its children.

Both Ukrainian laws, and the norms of international law exist for the sake of creating a healthy and morally sound society, the protection and strengthening of the family, and not for their destruction. It is inadmissible to distort the true principles of international law, abusing the international legal and other mechanisms, and especially to use any kind of pressure on sovereign nations trying to approve and promote the abovementioned anti-family phenomena. All sovereign peoples, including the people of Ukraine, have the right to independently determine their own destiny, following their genuine cultural and moral values, caring for their families and their children”.

In addition participants of the Forum supported “the actions of healthy social forces abroad and on the international level, in particular, the efforts of the World Congress of Families, aimed at the protection of the family, family and moral values, the marriage between a man and a woman, the rights of parents, and the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception to natural death”.



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