Post Tagged with: "Protection of morals"

Family and Demography Foundation defends Russian ban on homosexual propaganda among children before European Court of Human Rights

Family and Demography Foundation defends Russian ban on homosexual propaganda among children before European Court of Human Rights

A third party intervention arguing the case for Russian laws prohibiting propaganda of homosexuality among children has been submitted to the ECtHR by the Russian NGO.

Protéger la famille dans le monde: vers les justes origines du droit international

Protéger la famille dans le monde: vers les justes origines du droit international

Voici le rapport rendu pendant le Troisième forum des Parents Ukrainiens à Kyiv le 29-30 mars 2013 par Monsieur Pavel Parfentiev, le Directeur General du Centre analytique de la politique familiale de la Fédération de Russie, président de l’Organisation non gouvernementale interrégionale « Pour les droits de la famille », ambassadeur du Congrès mondial des familles (World Congress of Families) auprès des instances européennes

Protecting the Family at the International Level: Reclaiming the True Meaning of International Law

Protecting the Family at the International Level: Reclaiming the True Meaning of International Law

We’re publishing the complete English translation of the speech by Managing Director Pavel Parfentiev at the III All-Ukrainian Parents’ Forum in Kiev

Yalta Memorandum on the Protection of Family, Fatherhood, Motherhood and Morals

Yalta Memorandum on the Protection of Family, Fatherhood, Motherhood and Morals

We’re publishing the Memorandum on the Protection of family, fatherhood, motherhood and morals (Yalta Memorandum), adopted by the International Parents Forum gathered in Yalta, Ukraine (12 June 2013)

Communication to the Council of Europe on the Russian laws prohibiting propaganda of homosexuality to minors

Communication to the Council of Europe on the Russian laws prohibiting propaganda of homosexuality to minors

We’re publishing online the Communication concerning imlementation of Judgement of ECtHR on the case Alekseyev v. Russia (application no. 4916/07) submitted to the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers